Tall ships docked at Fort Trumbull during OpSail 2012.
The Coast Guard Barque Eagle docked at its home port in New London.
The Thames Base Ball Club of New London plays vintage ball at Fort Trumbull.
Crowds enjoy the surf and Summer sun at Ocean Beach Park.
Art lovers enjoy work at the annual Salon des Independants at Hygienic Galleries.
A fish-eye's view of the majestically renovated Garde Arts Theater.
A community parade passes City Hall on State Street.
A bustling Waterfront Park during SailFest.
A lone tug passes Harbor Light on a foggy day on the Thames River.
The Reducers rock the boardwalk at Ocean Beach.
New London City Hall 181 State Street New London, CT 06320 PHONE (860) 447-5200 HOURS Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Tina Collins Director of Personnel (860) 447-5235 P (860) 447-5214 F Email Vacant Chief Examiner/Labor Assistant (860) 447-5210 P (860) 447-5214 F Email Victoria Pruett Personnel Assistant (860) 447-5210 P (860) 447-5214 F Email