• Tall ships docked at Fort Trumbull during OpSail 2012.

  • The Coast Guard Barque Eagle docked at its home port in New London.

  • The Thames Base Ball Club of New London plays vintage ball at Fort Trumbull.

  • Crowds enjoy the surf and Summer sun at Ocean Beach Park.

  • Art lovers enjoy work at the annual Salon des Independants at Hygienic Galleries.

  • A fish-eye's view of the majestically renovated Garde Arts Theater.

  • A community parade passes City Hall on State Street.

  • A bustling Waterfront Park during SailFest.

  • A lone tug passes Harbor Light on a foggy day on the Thames River.

  • The Reducers rock the boardwalk at Ocean Beach.



New London City Hall
181 State Street
New London, CT 06320

PHONE (860) 447-5200
HOURS Monday-Friday
8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Study on Transportation Center in New London Underway

The Southeastern Connecticut Council of Governments (SCCOG) is conducting a study of transportation facilities in downtown New London, having as its goal the creation of a more seamless transportation hub for the region.

Funded with a $750,000 grant from the Connecticut Department of Transportation, the Regional Intermodal Transportation Center Master Plan and Efficiency Study is examining transportation services currently serving the city and region. New London serves as a gateway to southeastern Connecticut for people arriving by trains, ferries and buses.

The study is focusing on the Union Station area and nearby ferry facilities. Currently, Union Station provides a terminal for Amtrak and Shore Line East train passengers as well as passengers on inter-city and regional/local buses. The City of New London and private entities operate parking facilities downtown that serve travelers using the transportation services. Adjacent to Union Station are active ferry service connections to Long Island, Block Island and Fishers Island. About 10 times a year cruise ships visit New London and dock at State Pier. In the initial phase of the study, as requested by CONNDOT, the consultant evaluated the potential of moving the transportation center to the Fort Trumbull peninsula but concluded it should remain at its existing downtown location.

The study will develop a plan for better linkages among the various transportation services and identify opportunities for more housing and retail development. Traffic circulation, parking and pedestrian access to the transportation center will be examined.

SCCOG has hired TranSystems to head up the study. Joining TranSystems are the consulting firms of Basile Baumann Prost and Cole, Crosby/Schlessinger/Smallridge, Fitzgerald & Halliday, Inc. and URS. The project is being managed by SCCOG staff.

The consultant is working closely with a steering committee that includes representation from the transportation providers, downtown businesses, the City of New London, the Connecticut Department of Transportation and other stakeholders.

The public is encouraged to provide input to the study. Public meetings were held in the fall of 2008 and summer of 2009. A final public meeting will be held in the fall of 2009. Further information about the study is available at www.seccog.org or by calling the SCCOG office at 860-889-2324.