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Fair Rent Commission


The purpose of the New London Fair Rent Commission is to comply with Public Act 22-30, the Fair Rent Commission Ordinance (04-17-23-04), the Fair Rent Commission Act C.G.S. 7-148b through 7-148f and controlling and eliminating excessive rental charges for housing accommodations within the City of New London.


Receive complaints, inquiries, and other communications concerning alleged excessive rental charges and alleged violations in housing accommodations.  Make such studies and investigations regarding rental housing within the city, conduct hearings on complaints or requests for investigation submitted to it by any person, determine, after a hearing whether the rent for any housing accommodation is so excessive as to be harsh and unconscionable; and order a reduction of any excessive rent to an amount which is fair and equitable.


FILE A COMPLAINT HERE:  Community Development Division - Community Development Division - ViewPoint Cloud

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