WellBeing Project

What can we do to support young people’s wellbeing in New London?
Community Wellbeing Asset Mapping
In 2024, a diverse group of 26 young people partnered with the City of New London, the Hispanic Alliance of Southeastern Connecticut and the Full Frame Initiative to conduct Community Wellbeing Asset Mapping (CWAM). Through surveys and focus groups, these community researchers have been mapping the places and spaces in New London that contribute to young people’s wellbeing. When we know what’s working, we can strengthen it and make sure it doesn’t get erased.
“Young people are the most valuable asset in New London now and for our future. Ensuring that they are able to meet their needs for wellbeing, including understanding what’s working for them, needs to be a priority for all of us. I’m proud of the work our young people did to identify wellbeing assets and challenges. Now let’s work together to make sure all of our young people have a fair shot at wellbeing.”
Mayor Michael Passero
Grounded in Wellbeing
We are all hard-wired for people and belonging, safety, predictability, a sense of influence, and getting our needs met. CWAM strove to identify how young people are getting these needs met in community. For more on the framework behind CWAM, visit: Five Domains of Wellbeing
Survey Data
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Comments and Quotes from Survey Respondents
"I enjoy going on walks and physically enjoying nature and I get a sense of accomplishment because I struggle to get outside in my FREE TIME due to my depression."
"[I can safely be myself at the park because of] the bird sounds and the view. I run in the park."
"[Puedo ser yo mismo con seguridad porque] Los sonidos de los pajaros y la vista. Salir a correr por las parques."
"I love playing sports such as basketball. So places I go would be Bartlett Courts, and Toby May. One thing I can't wait for is the rec center by Fort Trumbull. It'll give more kids a place to go in the winter to stay active and do school work rather than at home"
More comments and quotes can be found by clicking here.
Presentation from the young people

The young people presented the data to the Mayor and City Council on October 7, 2024.