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Pistol Permit Applications

Updated 9/9/2024



*New Pre-enrollment Pistol Permit Process - Please read this page in its entirety prior to making contact with the Police Department*


New London temporary pistol permit applications will only be accepted for submission Monday through Friday at the New London Police Department from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. except on holidays. 


The applicant must log onto and type in the 8-digit service code. To obtain the code, please contact Joyce Brown at (860) 447-5278. You will then click the Submit button which will bring you to the next page confirming the information for the Service Code you entered is correct. You will then click "YES" button stating the information is correct and proceed to the next page. 

The Next page is the Registration Page which is where you will fill in all of your demographics. The Mandatory fields you are required to complete are marked in Blue, and have Bolded headings with an Asterisk(*). Once this step is complete you will click the button on the bottom right of the screen to "Submit Pre-Enrollment".

The next page is payment to the State of Connecticut for the processing fee. 

Upon completion an APPLICANT TRACKING NUMBER will be generated and forwarded to your email address.  You must PRINT OUT this page(s) which confirms that you have completed the Pre-Enrollment process.

Note: You MUST pre-enroll BEFORE your fingerprint appointment. 

The New London Police Department no longer provides fingerprinting services. Fingerprinting services are now contracted through Biometric Identification Services (860)-345-2331.

For more information regarding fingerprinting services please visit our website here.

In order to ensure greater efficiency and quality control, the New London Police Department will implement a change in the submission portion of the Department’s current pistol permit application process. The change will become effective on August 5th, 2020.




Pistol Permit Process

Pistol Permit applications can be picked up at the New London Police Department at any time.


Connecticut General Statutes mandate a single permit system within the State of Connecticut. The Chief of Police will issue a 60-day Temporary State Permit, valid in the State of Connecticut to carry (but not to purchase) firearms.  For further statutory information, see Chapter 529 of the Connecticut General Statutes.


Contact Biometric Identification Services for fingerprinting at 860-345-2331 or on line at  Biometrics will fingerprint you at the New London Police Department on the 1st FRIDAY of each month ONLY between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.  There is a $30.00 charge for their service and they will notarize Permit Application for an additional $5.00.


  1. Application for Permit to Carry Pistols and Revolvers DPS-799-C (Rev. 08/04/2022) (NOTARIZED)
  2. Fingerprint Card accompanied by printout of Applicant Tracking Number confirming Pre-Enrollment.
  3. Passport size (2x2) photo of applicant (no group photos)
  4. CT Driver’s License AND either an Original Birth Certificate (with seal) or US Passport/proof of lawful U.S. residency.
  5. Certified NRA Basic Pistol Course (must be a CT course); State of CT does not accept out-of-state courses. The Course Certificate must contain the Marksmanship Skill Level and student must fire a semi-automatic pistol or revolver. You MUST include a copy of the instructor’s credential card from NRA.

The local process takes approximately eight (8) weeks, dependent upon the State and Federal response time of your fingerprint-supported background check. Once the background check is complete, we will contact you to schedule an interview with a Captain of the New London Police Department. 

You will be notified when the Chief has signed your temporary permit at which time you must submit a check (name and address preprinted) or money order in the amount of $70.00 payable to the City of New London.

Upon receiving your Temporary Permit, you will be supplied a list of locations and schedules to obtain your five (5) year permit from the State of CT.  Make sure you have your temporary permit and proof that you are legally and lawfully in the U.S. (i.e., BC, passport, citizenship or immigration papers). You will then make a final payment of $70.00 to “Treasurer-State of CT.” 

Any questions regarding this process may be directed to Joyce Brown at (860) 447-5278.