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Brownfields Projects

 43 Hempstead Street Park Project

The City of New London recently received a grant from the US EPA to assist with the environmental abatement of hazards at 43 Hempstead St. The intent is to clean up the site to provide an open green space park for the neighborhood and the community residents. The City of New London has retained VHP environmental services to assist with additional site assessment, to provide the remedial action plan, and to develop a scope of work in order to solicit bids for the actual clean up.

The Subject Property (hereinafter the “Site”) is located at 43 Hempstead Street in New London, New London County, Connecticut and is identified by the City of New London as Tax Map F12 Block 168 Lot 10. According to the City of New London Assessor’s records, the property is 0.60-acres and is currently owned by the City of New London’s redevelopment agency and community partner Renaissance City Development Corporation. The site is zoned as R-3 (Multi-family Medium Density Residential Zone).

The Site is currently a vacant lot with no remaining buildings and minimal vegetation.  Bordering the site to the northwest and northeast are residential properties. Hempstead Street borders the southwest edge of the property, and Home Street borders the southeast side. A stone retaining wall borders the site to the northeast, and lies beyond the property line of 43 Hempstead Street, on the property of 17 Home Street. 

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