Building Division

Building Inspection
The Building Inspection Division is the City’s regulatory authority for the Connecticut Building Code, the City’s Demolition Ordinance, the City’s Housing and Property Maintenance Code, the City’s Blight Ordinance, and the City’s Flood Plain Management Ordinance. It provides all required inspection services for new construction, repairs, alterations and additions, issues demolition permits, inspects existing structures, and issues abatement orders for Housing and Property Maintenance Code compliance.
Permit Application Submission
Applications for permits may be submitted electronically via the 'Apply Online' link below, or in person, by mail, or by use of our dropbox at:
New London Building Department
111 Union Street
New London, CT 06320
Apply Online
Required Documents/Materials
All applications require the following additional documentation:
- Current Contractor’s License (if a contractor is performing the work)
- Current Workers’ Comp Insurance Certificate (or Form 7A, 7B or 7C)
- Contractor’s Authorization Ltr (if applying on behalf of the contractor)
- Permit Fee (see Fee Schedule)
- Drawings (if applicable)
- Technical Specifications (if applicable)
Current Building Codes
For information on the current building codes please visit the State of Connecticut Department of Construction Services, Office of State Building Inspector
Current Housing, Property Maintenance Codes:
The International Property Maintenance Code 2003 with amendments was adopted by City of New London Ordinance . For more information contact a Building Official /Inspector at (860) 447-5240.
111 Union Street
New London, CT 06320
Phone: (860) 447-5240
Fax: (860) 447-5255
Email: NL Building Dept
Building Official
Email: Kirk Kripas
(860) 447-5240
Assistant Building Official
Email: Rick Maurice
(860) 440-6643
Assistant Building Official
Email: Jamie Salmon
(860) 437-6342
Property Maintenance & Housing Inspector
Email: Omi Morales
(860) 440-6642
Assistant to the Building Official
Email: Bethany Huntley
(860) 447-5240